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Songs of a Melancholy Heart is a book that crosses all borders of race, religion, and sexuality. Tapping into the minds of the reader, implanting deep thoughts of reflection within them, in the decisions that they have made or will make in life. Songs of a Melancholy Heart is not just an ordinary book but an anthem, acting as a microphone for those whose voice cannot echo through a crowded room.

Eclectic Oprision shows the fluditiy and the compassion that N8te takes in writing and his immense ability to channel others. 

This book goes deep into the topics of LGBT rights, human trafficking etc... "Social activism through literature" 

Truth Be Told? is a collection of poems penned to invoke truth and make people aware of their feelings and the feelings of others. The real truth and the truth that we often give off to people trying to hide are true selves. 

Sometimes we say we want the truth, but can we handle the truth once we obtain it. The world like your brain stores some truth and sometimes locks it away; for example a traumatic event that your brain may have locked away in order for you to move on with life. It’s the same with Mother Nature, she locks some truths of the world beneath the sea bed, some in trees some in the stars etc. 

We as humans grow every day in the metaphysical portion of our life, even though it may not be noticed right away. It is this capacity to grow unconsciously which allows for truths to be revealed to us. 

Never forget in your search for truths, some you will uncover as you read the works in this book and dig deep past your heart into your soul that the best discoveries happen when you’re not really looking for them.


“Heart and Mind”; know who you are in your heart and what you are in your mind. Never lose faith in yourself because when you do that is when you open a can of worms that’s very hard to close; try, try and try again and remember as long as you have life anything is possible, might not seem like it will come reality but it is definitely possible as long as you try. I still do not love, trust and have faith in people but I have learn to do just that in my gift of writing. Trust yourself, trust your gift and your love will never die.

Poetry is an art that can be shared across all boarders and simply puts are words into the air and into the hearts of others as easy as hurt comes into the heart and allows us to cry. Believing in art is believing in life, in love, in the future of love and life and what personifies the future more than our kids. Writing for kids not only teaches them about today but what they may face tomorrow and the subliminal messages behind the pros of poetry allows them not only to have an in-depth connection to the metaphysical portion of life but to become in touch with their feelings and be able to express themselves more. The Arts is our greatest teacher and it is by time we start using it.

Twisting words into lyrical phrases. In this fifth collection of Nathan Curtis he pushes his mind to the limit to dive deep into the emotions of human beings not just writing a bout love and the many facets of love but of hate, forgiveness, adolescence, sexuality and the mind games that we almost constantly play with ourselves. Nathan "N8te" has brought his own style to the industry and it has caught on fast and will be here for a long time. This collection not only shows the many levels of human emotion but the depth of writing skill being able to converge these different characteristics of the human emotion and essentially mind into such a wonderfully written collection.

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