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"Change only comes when we as a people hold true to our humane morality and trust in the audacity of the mind" In everything I write I try to embrace the change that is so apparent today. The world is evolving and we as human beings must evolve with it for after all we have fostered this evolution. I fight; I fight for that one who cannot speak for themselves through literature I will continue to fight.





Madiba Stands Strong


I stand strong through

racial discrimination, soul

vandalization and heart mistreatment. I stand strong, through the oppressionof an age through the survival of a race. I stand strong a Thembu descendant showing my truth in my voice with each stride I take. I fight for all in a voice of a thunder and decisions of a rainbow; loving all, caring for all, embracing all. I Madiba now take my seat with the Thembu chief on this day as my voice of thunder brought rain from

the heavens. I Madiba stand strong to fight for all on the side of light. Through grassy meadows I walk leaving you behind but my job is done now I still fight for all on the other side.




"My Love Died"; 2015

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